Service Area

Albuquerque Dumpster Rental maintains a wide service area that incorporates all of Albuquerque proper and several outlying suburbs and counties. Serviceable cities outside of South Valley, Paradise Hills, Sandia Heights, Cedar Crest, Placitas, Tijeras, Pena Blanca, and Santa Ana Pueblo. Our serviceable areas are not limited to these towns. In general, we can service locations as far out as 30 miles from the city. Certain areas will cost more due to their distance from our dispatch center. If you would like to know if we can deliver to your location in greater Albuquerque just give us a call and we’ll check for you!

Albuquerque Dumpster Rental Service Map

Before we deliver to your address make sure that your delivery area is properly prepared. Remove any vehicles or other potential obstacles from your driveway or parking area. This will allow our driver to easily access your property, drop off the bins, and leave you to the task of filling it up. Make sure to call us at 505-349-8902 if you need a pickup, extension, or anything else!